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CTET Cut Off 2024, Category Wise Minimum Qualifying Marks

CTET Cut Off 2024 is the minimum score required to clear the Central Teacher Eligibility Test and obtain the CTET certificate. The CTET is a national-level exam held twice a year to assess candidates’ eligibility for teaching positions in Classes 1 to 8 in Central Government Schools. CBSE does not release the CTET Cut Off, however, there are minimum qualifying marks that have been set by the board to assess candidates’ eligibility. The CTET December Exam 2024 was held on 14th December 2024 and CTET Result 2024 has been released on 9th January 2025. In this article, we have mentioned the CTET cutoff, including CTET minimum qualifying marks for the General/SC/ST/OBC category.

CTET Cut Off 2024

As this is an eligibility test, so only the minimum qualifying marks are considered for evaluation and the cut-off list is not released by authorities. All those who have scored more than or equal to the minimum qualifying marks are qualified for this eligibility test and will be issued a CTET Certificate. These minimum qualifying marks must be achieved by candidates to qualify for the exam. These qualifying marks vary as per different categories.

CTET Cut Off Marks 2024

Candidates who have qualified in CTET Result 2024 by scoring the category-wise qualifying marks have become eligible for CTET certification whose validity is for a lifetime. CTET Cut-Off 2024 is not released officially as it is an eligibility test, but there have been criteria of minimum qualifying marks and the candidates have to score more than that to be eligible for certification.

CTET Qualifying Marks 2024

The CTET Qualifying Marks 2024 of CTET 2024 is 60% or more. Candidates who score equal to or more than the qualifying marks will be qualified for the exam. The CTET exam consists of 150 marks. In papers 1 and 2 candidates from the general category are required to score a total of  90 marks to be considered qualifying and candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category are required to score a minimum of 82 marks to qualify for the exam.

Candidates have to secure a minimum of 90 out of the total 150 marks in the respective paper they are appearing.

School Managements (Government, Local bodies, Government aided and unaided) may consider giving concessions to persons belonging to SC/ST, OBC, differently-abled persons, etc., following their extant reservation policy.

CTET Qualifying Marks 2024
Category Minimum Qualifying Percentage  Minimum Qualifying Marks
General 60% 90/150
Other Backward Class 55% 82/150
Scheduled Caste 55% 82/150
Scheduled Tribe 55% 82/150

CTET Qualifying Marks for CTET Paper 1

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has set the same qualifying marks for both Paper 1 and Paper 2. In Paper 1 candidates from the general category have to score a minimum of 60 % or higher to qualify for the exam, and candidates from the reserved category candidates need 55 % or higher.

CTET Qualifying Marks for CTET Paper 1
Category  Minimum Qualifying Marks (Out of 150) Minimum Qualiying Percentage (in %)
General 90 60%
Other Backward Class 82 55%
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe 82 55%

CTET Qualifying Marks for CTET Paper 2

As per CTET Qualifying marks in Paper 1 candidates from the general category are required to score a minimum mark of 60 % (90 out of 150 marks) and candidates from the reserved category are required to a minimum of 55 % (82 marks out of 150 marks) to qualify for the CTET Paper 2 exam.

CTET Qualifying Marks for CTET Paper 2
Category  Minimum Qualifying Marks (Out of 150) Minimum Qualiying Percentage (in %)
General 90 60%
OBC/ SC/ST 82 55%

CTET Qualifying Marks for Female

As per the CBSE Qualifying Marks for Females are similar to those of male candidates. Female from the general category needs to score a minimum of 60%, 90 out of 150 marks, and female candidates from the OBC, SC, or ST category are to score a minimum of 55%, 82 out of 150 marks.

What’s Next after Securing CTET Cut off Marks 2024?

Qualifying the CTET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment. Candidates who secure the minimum qualifying marks are eligible to apply for teaching positions in government schools. The validity of the CTET certificate is lifetime, allowing them to apply for teaching positions for classes 1 to 8.


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